Body Rockin’ (sort of…)

19 Feb


Okay.  It’s a Project MILF update.  I actually found a program that I like!  And I am sticking with it! (if you ignore last week…and this week so far..but I have been out on my ass with a cold and Katherine is teething like crazy so I’ve been a little off.)  There is a postpartum weight loss/exercise group that I belong to on Facebook and one of the women posted looking for buddies for the Bikini Body Mommy 90-Day Challenge.  I looked into the program and decided to give it a go.  It started on January 6th and today is day 45 of 90!  Halfway there!  Although I am about a week and a half behind…I need to make up for my sick time.

But…this is the longest I have ever stuck with a program and here is why:  this chick is REAL.  She’s a mama, she has three kids, she has a hubby to keep happy, and she’s a personal trainer with weight to lose.  She is honest and open and she breathes heavy and sweats along with you in her videos and hates burpees just as much as everyone else.  I’m sorry but if you’re down with burpees you have serious mental health issues and we probably can’t be friends.  I subscribed to her 90-day challenge and get daily emails and do her daily videos posted on her YouTube channel.  She also has a meal plan you can purchase but I don’t do it.  I’ve just been trying to be more carb-conscious and increase my protein.  Basically just be more aware about what I’m putting in my body.

So how it works is you work out six days a week.  Three cardio days and three strength training days.  On Sundays you rest.  For cardio I’ve been loading up the baby and the dog and doing 2-3 mile stroller walks.  It’s unseasonably warm here in Southern California right now (high today is 76 degrees but it’s been in the 80’s lately) so it’s perfect walking/hiking weather.  I mean for all the bitching I do about wanting my kids to someday have a white Christmas…you really can’t beat 75 and sunny in the middle of February.

That’s my MILF status so far.  Numbers-wise, I’ve lost 6 pounds and neglected to take measurements when I started so I have no idea about my progress as far as inches go.  I will say that I sleep better, feel better, and am no longer huffing and puffing and cursing my way along my walks…which tells me it’s time to step it up!  I would like to start running soon if I can do it without eating shit while pushing the stroller…we shall see, friends.  We shall see.

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