Tag Archives: hair products

Preggo Beautimous Times.

31 May

So contrary to how I may look some days/evenings/Mondays at work, I have been trying my best to keep up appearances while knocked up (and pre-knocked up – how do you think I found myself in this position to begin with? BA DUM CHA!)

Anywho, summer is basically here now, at least in Southern California, and I have been eagerly awaiting its arrival (even though random strangers keep on finding it necessary to inform me that I will, in fact, be pregnant when it is hot.  Yes thank you I know that thank you.)  Mostly that means I want to be tan and blonde and bright.

I have found some fabulous nail polishes and a great new lippy to get started.  Although I gotta say, I did my toes the other night and it was a bit of a struggle.  Lots of grunting and heavy breathing and maybe also some beads of sweat.  So I am thinking it is time to throw in the towel and let the fabulous ladies at my nail salon take over from here on out.  Not that I am  ever going to complain about getting a pedicure – and at this point they are basically medically necessary, right?

Anyway…bright nails and lips.  Love ’em.  Especially since I tend to stick to darker or more neutral clothing colors overall.

The tan…long gone are my days of tanning beds 4x a week plus a Mystic spray to spruce up the base.  Aaah, zero responsibilities and a disposable income…’twas a fabulous time.  Yah.  So I have made my way through a handful of self-tanners the last couple years on a quest for the perfect tan (not orange) color, that doesn’t immediately rinse off and/or leave me smelling like feet or an explosive bottle of coconut oil (don’t get me wrong, I love coconut but sometimes…shit, man.  You know.)  Thank you sweet baby Jesus for my hair stylist, who is not only responsible for my blonde, but told me about her favorite self-tanner, Fake Bake Flawless.  OMG I die.  So good.  And I will never, ever, ever use another self-tanner ever.  Smells fab, dries fast, lasts.  Love it.

The blonde…again, I am not responsible for that.  I write a check and come home looking amazeballs.  I have found that a squeeze of Moroccan Oil (or one of its less expensive drugstore alternatives) and ten minutes with my flat iron does wonders for my hair.  Top it off with a pump of smoothing serum and I am basically presentable!  Holla!  Some more of my summer faves below:


One. Two. Three. Four. Five. SixSeven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve.

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