Tag Archives: 18 weeks old

18 Weeks Old.

9 Nov

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18 weeks.  I seriously cannot believe it.  Katherine had her 4 month check up on Monday morning.  She got her second round of shots and a clean bill of health.  She cried, hard, for about two minutes, then finished off a bottle and everything was okay again.  Just like with her first series, she slept most of the day and didn’t eat as much, but was back to her normal self by Tuesday afternoon.


She is taking 4-6 oz. each time she eats and has gained a bit of weight (about 3 1/2 pounds) since her last appointment.  No need for rice cereal at this point since she is growing steadily and also has been SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!  We are going on just over a week of solid, uninterrupted sleep for all three of us and let me tell you.  It.  Is.  Awesome.  I think she feels better, too, because every morning when she wakes up (anywhere between 5:30 and 7am) she has nothing but smiles and giggles in store for us.  You can just tell she feels fabulous and is totally ready to start the day.  I just love, love, love spending my days with this little girl.  There’s nothing better.

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